
Review score
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 5 reviews)
Country US United States
Est. Revenue 2018$162.00
Est. Revenue 2019$147.00
Est. Revenue 2020$147.00
Est. Revenue 2021$147.00
Est. Revenue 2022$147.00
Est. Revenue 2023$147.00
Est. per year$65.56 million
Est. per month$5.46 million
Est. per week$1.26 million
Est. per day$179,622
Est. per hour$7,484.25
Est. per minute$124.74
Est. per second$2.08
Est. since viewing this page$2.08

Top Earners (2)

Business Grade

Business For Home recommends selectively offering based on professional judgment. There is at least moderate certainty that the net benefit is small for a distributor.


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Youngevity Rating by Business For Home

Direct Selling professionals have rated this company based on their experience as a user of the reviewed products and opportunity. The reviews of the products and opportunity usually comments on how well the company measures up to expectations based on the specifications provided by company. Observations are factual as well as subjective in nature. The reviews comment on service experienced, and dependability or trustworthiness of the distributor.

★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars based on 5 reviews)
Eduwiges Osuna Escobar 2020-12-28 04:32:25

Youngevity productos de calidad, simplemente completos para toda la familia ,una compañia de calidad y que entregar lo mejor de ellos dedicados ala familia ,ya que sus productos son para niños para adultos ,y para cualquier condicion sin importar la condicion o simplemente perder peso y fortalecer el sistema immune,gracias a Youngevity tambien por su Oportunidad de negocio ya que tiene un plan de convensacion muy bueno ,gracias a toda la familia wallach ..por dar su corazon ❤️y siempre estar presente por las nesecisades de todo su equipo en Youngevity,mi voto por siempre para mi compañia Youngevity,,recomiendo cada persona que Lea este mensage ,se de la ooirtunidad de conoser los productos de Youngevity,ya que no se arrepentiran ya que son productos que dan fortaleza a tu sistema immune y para proteger a toda tu familia ,y si quieres ser tu propio jefe y ayudar a otras personas a tener una entrada economica extra Youngevity es tu Oportunidad de hacer algo diferente ,,

Dess B G Soh 2020-12-16 03:12:51

I am a businessman, we have joined several MLM companies before, we know how to make a comparison, my view is that in term of
reliabilities, the following are of major concern :

Company background, 23 solid year,

Our founder, a reputable public figure – Dr Joel Wallach, a veterinarian, pathology, scientist and naturopathic doctor.

Top Management style successfully led by Steve and Michelle Wallach,

Products qualities & efficacies, one of their Signature product – 90 For Life, providing 90 nutrients to power up our human body,

Flexibility of Compensation plan,

Providing adequate Training & Support, you will never be alone.

All the above stated are the key factors that lead the company to great success, a trusted company that always focus on helping their business partner & customer, you could raise your head high when presenting or introducing Youngevity. Trust me, you will never go wrong. They are not telling stories, they are serious about changing lives.

Dess B G Soh

Ana Holguin 2020-05-08 06:49:24

Youngevity me ayudo a entender la importancia de Cuidar mi Templo (cuerpo), conocer las necesidades vitales de minerales, vitamina, ácidos grasos esenciales etc., que necesito. tiene un excelente plan de compensación y respaldo científico, su creador Dr Joel Wallach, científico y formulador de estos productos maravillosos, gran trayectoria y muchos reconocimientos da seguimiento a su Empresa y muchas empresas de excelencia ya están bajo la sombrilla de Youngevity, esto hace que en esta empresa encontremos muchos productos de nutrición de excelencia, aceites esenciales, maquillaje mineral, nutrición para mascotas, joyería, belleza, etc, si lo quieres? Youngevity lo tiene! desde México, Ana Holguin

Michael Bedolfe 2018-08-30 01:18:20

Youngevity keeps growing each year and is very innovative and future focused. I am impressed at how many good nutrition companies with amazing health products are coming under the Youngevity umbrella
Fantastic! Their delivery is prompt especially in Canada it ships out so fast Commissisions paid out faithfully each month. Friendly helpful support staff constantly adding new avenues of support.
Triple AAA company trading publicly on Nasdaq. Constantly upgrading.
My favorite is Tangy Tangerine 2.0 very high antioxidant count per serving !!!
For the women we have all natural mineral Makeup that won’t hurt your skin
[email protected] or visit

Laura Kerr 2017-09-18 05:52:44

Youngevity has really shrpassed my expectations, they have amazing products that have really actually wirked for me and their online support netwirk is crazy awesome. I Will never look back again!! I have tried other products but this is by far the most superior product currently available. I also need to mention their distributor side of the business has blown me away, unlimited earning potential and you can market just one or all their ts, its entirely up to you

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